Friday, 24 April 2015

2015 ANZAC Day Parade

On Friday 24th April Sunnybrae Normal School had a parade to remember family, friends and countrymen who fought in wars so that we can live the lives we do now, in New Zealand.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
 Age shall not wither them, nor the years condemn; 
 At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, 
 We will remember them.
       by Lawrence Binyon



  1. The Anzac parade was very remembering. If the soldiers were here I think they would like what we have done. My favourite thing was that some people were wearing metals of like there great grands or great great grandad.

  2. I like the language you have used.

  3. i really like this joyce it is so cool.

  4. i really like you story joyce
